
This Disclaimer page must be read and approved by Teknotut blog readers. This page is made so that readers understand all the basic rules that we apply.

Originality of Content

We strive to create original and quality content created with the results of our experiments. Some quotes, descriptions, and some content contained within it may be inspired by other websites or books that we have read by making some adjustments that have been adjusted.


All images in this blog are created and modified themselves. Some images we might take from various websites that we believe have free licenses. We always try not to steal intellectual property rights. But if indeed there is an image that has an exclusive license. Please file an objection through the contact page.

Trial Success

Some of the articles we wrote are the results of our experiments. We are not responsible and guarantee the results will be as expected. Whether it is caused by your own mistakes or errors in submitting the writing that we made. Therefore, we urge you to read carefully step by step. If there are errors in writing or writing errors, you can contact us through the contact page.

Content Dissemination

Readers may redistribute all posts on the TeknoTut website. You do not need to ask permission to distribute our article. The purpose of our writing is to spread knowledge as much as possible so that everyone quickly understands it. But don't forget to include TeknoTut as the source of copy.

Advertisements and Sponsors

To do all the experiments, we needed a reasonably large amount of funds. Also, we have the risk of damage to the device. We put advertisements from our sponsors. We always try to make the ads displayed on our website, not disturb the reader. We currently have a single sponsor for hosting and domain, namely from IndoWebsite as a web hosting provider and domain in Indonesia. In some writings containing products that are provided by IndoWebsite. We contribute by including a link to our Sponsor.

Another thing

Other things that can not or have not been written on this page. You can ask through the contact page that we have provided.